Friday, September 9, 2011

Goodrich Baby Shower

Josh, Harper, and I are some of the most blessed people in the world.
We have so many loved ones and supporters that have thrown us/attended baby showers!
We appreciate all them so much...and it has really helped us prepare for Harper's arrival.

2 weeks ago, my mom's best friend, Brent Goodrich, hosted us an amazing baby shower for us.
Of course, I only have a few lovely pictures of me opening gifts.
sweet baby outfit!
the car exersaucer (sp?) mom and I saw a few days before. Mom reassured Josh that now he doesn't have to buy her her first car b/c she did. ha!

Abby-the best trash-picker-upper-gift-hander-outter ever!
Thank you all for making my shower very special!


  1. Well, the nursery looks amazing and I'm glad you've been showered with lots that you need. So, that means....come see us now, Harper!!!! Your Aunt Sissy is soooooooo ready to meet you!!!

  2. It is so wonderful when you know that your little one is already so loved and she hasn't even met the world yet. That love will multiply times a million when she is on the outside. Thankful that you guys are blessed with such great friends and family to pamper you and baby Harper during this precious time.
