Thursday, September 15, 2011

40.2 Weeks

Hello Friends.
We have officially hit the 40 week mark..and 2 days!  If you had asked me over the weekend if she was coming sonner than later, I would have put money on it.  Boy, was I wrong!  Glad I am not a betting woman!

I have been very fortunate that I have been able to work from home this week--THANK YOU BOSS MAN!  It has helped b/c I am sleeping randomly and working randomly...neither are following conventional hours. 

Now, I think it's just a waiting game.  Everyone is so encouraging and supportive offering advice, what worked for them, etc.  I am thinking no matter what we little baby will be making a DRAMATIC entrance.  I mean, have you met her mother?!?!

For now, the fur baby and I will be working and waiting.  We will keep you posted!

If you want to have some fun, I would love to know when you think she is coming.
As of last Friday (next appointment is tomorrow), I was 2 cm and 50% effaced.
I have had contractions all week.
My due date was September 13th.
I am scheduled to be induced at midnight on Tuesday, Sept. 20th/Wed. Sept. 21st.
Let me know if you have a day picked out before then or if you think she is going to be "forced" out.


  1. I think you are probably in "early labor" right now and your body is just slowly gearing up for the big event which will happen over the weekend. I bet when labor does kick in, because of all of the contractions and the fact that you are already dilating and thinning out, you will probably arrive at the hospital already 4-5cm and you will be ready to go! We are praying for you guys every night. Hoping you are as comfortable as you can be, and that Josh isn't losing his mind waiting either. I am sure you are all on pins and needles 24/7. You are going to do amazing no matter when she comes or how. Good luck!

  2. Saturday the 17th or (I have two Friday babies so) possibly the 16th.
