Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1 Week Doctor Appointment

We had Harper's one week Doctor appointment today.  This was our first outing as a family (besides leaving the hospital)...and it was EARLY!  We managed to get out of the house and arrive 10 minutes before our appointment. GO US!

Harper's Stats:
Height: 21.5 Inches - Percentile 90%-95%
Weight 8 lbs. 11 oz - Percentile 75%
When she was born, she was 20 inches long and 8 lbs. 15 oz.  She almost back to her birth weight.  When the doctor looked her over, he said everything looked great and she was doing well.  It is nice to hear...especially since we had been home a few days and didn't have her daily check ups (like at the hospital).


  1. Yay Harper! And way to go, mommy! You're fattening her up just right! Lucas wants to know if he can come meet Miss Harper this weekend?? :)

  2. She is so amazing!! Glad she is doing so well! Hope you are too.
