Monday, September 12, 2011

39.6 Weeks

Last week I blogged about how I was feeling pretty good...can we say JINX!  Man, oh, man.  I woke up at 4 am on Thursday feeling like I did in the beginning of this pregnancy.  After vomiting all day, I was able to finally drink a little water and get some rest.  Friday, I woke up without an appetite...but not nearly as bad as the day before.  I read a few weeks ago that sometimes the nausea/vomiting can be a sign that your body is preparing for labor.

We went to the doctor on Friday morning for an ultra sound to see how much the baby weighed and for my 39 (and a half) week check up.  As I was looking at my baby on the screen the ultra sound tech asked me if I wanted to know how much she weighed.  That was the whole point in us being there, right?  Then out came the words NINE pounds THREE ounces.  WHAT????? I am surprised Josh didn't have to pick my jaw up off the floor!  We knew she was big...but to hear that she was already in the 9lb. range was unexpected.  She then said they can be off by a pound and was like she could be 10 lbs.?????????  She said no. At this point, the baby is somewhere between 8 and 9. 

We saw the doctor and we have had some changes.  As of Friday, I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  There have also been a few changes that have happened over the weekend that lead me to believe she will be here before her induction date on 9/20.
With all the changes since Friday, the due date being tomorrow (i know low % of babies are born on their due date), and the full moon tonight...I am thinking maybe she will be here sooner than later!
For now, we are just working from home, trying to keep my feet propped up, and relax the best I can.


  1. My dime store analysis is that she will definitely be here soon! The day before I went into labor with Everett I vomited all day; so I agree with the prepping you for labor bit. 2cm and 50% is pret-ty good! Go out to dinner tonight. It may be your last chance for a while. Eek!

  2. good luck! can't wait to see pictures!

  3. I was sick the week before Gavin too!! I think there really is something to that, as odd as that is. You are really making progress to already be dilating too! Your labor is so close. It's so weird how you go from pregnant and are totally consumed by those thoughts to a mom and no longer pregnant and totally consumed by those thoughts in an instant. Bizarre. Enjoy your last few days, if even, maybe just a few hours!

  4. Harper! Harper! Harper! (I am chanting for her to hurry up and make her appearance :))
