Tuesday, September 6, 2011

39 Weeks

and still growing!
I am HUGE!
We went to the doctor last Friday and my stomach measured at 38 1/2 weeks, but the Doctor said the baby felt big.  We are getting an ultrasound this Friday to determine her actual size and weight.

She seems to be very content where she is...so if she continues to stay put and grow, we might be planning a c-section.  I will know more later this week.

For now, the change in weather (100 degrees to 61 degrees in 48 hours) has been pleasant!

1 comment:

  1. So very exciting that you will be giving birth so soon! As someone who gave birth to a "big" baby, don't be afraid of a larger baby. Gavin was 9lbs 8oz. We are made to have babies of all sizes. Weight is not the biggest issue, it is more of head size. Gavin's head measured at 44 weeks and I was able to have him vaginally. Yes, labor might be more work with a larger baby, but it can certainly be done. Also, don't let each weekly visit bum you out. It can be very discouraging to never dilate or efface before labor and hearing no change every week can be quite frustrating. I never dilated at all before my labor and I went into labor 3 days after the due date and 2 days after a doctor's appt where I still showed no signs or change. Those appts don't indicate anything. Either way that you guys decide to deliver, we are praying for a healthy labor and delivery for you and baby Harper. You guys must be on pins and needles waiting for her arrival now! I can't wait to see photos of her little Gatlin face with Josh's baby chick hair!
