Tuesday, October 11, 2011

C-Section Recovery

Several people have asked how I am doing with the c-section recovery, so I thought I would write a little bit about my experience. 

I went into labor on Sunday, September 18th and and after 15 or so hours, I ended up having (as my brother-in-law says) Harper surgically removed at 12:07 am on Monday, September 19th.  The c-section was unplanned...but the best option for both the baby and me.  You can read more about that here.

Immediately after the surgery, I was wheeled back to the labor and delivery room with Josh and Harper.  For the next two hours, a nurse comes in every 15 minutes (for the first hour) and then every 30 minutes (for the second hour) to push down on my stomach several times-to make sure everything is "firm".  I am not sure if this is only if you have a c-section...but either way, it is very painful!!! On top of that, I don't know what "firmness" they are looking for b/c I just felt flabby! :)

Shortly after that, we were moved to our new room, where we would stay for the next 4 days.  I was extremely swollen from all the drugs for the surgery and the IV pumping through me.  I was still so exhausted and out of it from all the medicine.  During the first 24-36 hours, Josh was SUPER DAD!  Don't get me wrong, he is still a great dad...but he was basically handed our baby in the OR and took it from there on his own.  All he got from me were drug induced jokes as we were wheeled back to the room. But in all seriousness, I couldnt' get out of bed, I could barely sit up, and I couldn't lift our baby out of her "nursery crib".  He had to do it all...including changing those lovely meconium diapers!  He was a trooper! 

After the IV and catheter came out, I started to feel a little more normal.  I had to take laps around the nursery to help my body get it's groove back.  I don't know if I could have done it all without medication.  *The hardest thing to remember when you have a c-section is that YOU JUST HAD MAJOR SURGERY, but all you are thinking is, I JUST HAD A BABY.*  In my mind, this little tiny (9lbs) baby came first.  I would ignore the pain until she was safe with someone else.  Recovery was on  my mind, but Harper was in the forefront of my mind.  HELP IS KEY!  It is hard to ask for help...especially when you just had your first baby.  You want to provide for her.  You want to prove to people that you can do this.  You want to feel like a good mom. BUT, you also just had your lower abdomen cut open 5 layers deep.  I was lucky to have a very helpful and supportive husband/daddy to Harper.  Plus, we had our parents pretty much "on call" that first week home. 

Also, as a nursing mother, I was fortunate that my milk came in at the hospital.  That might be a different blog post all together.  Either way, it changed up the nursing game for all of us and we needed the help from the lactation consultant.  Holding a baby on your abdomen right after surgery is tough...plus, you throw in new milk...it can be daunting.

**If you don't like bloody stuff, stop reading**
We made it home with one week of pain medicine and help from our families!  I had a fever the first day and probably pushed myself a little too hard.  By Monday, my incision was bleeding.  We knew that could be normal, but there were other signs to look for.  Again, SUPER DAD turned into SUPER HUSBAND and was lifting the lovely "fatty flab" hanging over my incisions to check out the situation.  It was red, irritated, and bleeding.  We called the doctor on call on Tuesday, and she had me come in.  Here I was, one week past surgery and going in to get checked out.  She let me know I had cellulitois (basically fluid build up that is seeping out my wound-gross, i know).  I was sent home with antibiotics and told to put alcohol on it twice a day.  Since I can't see my incision, SUPER HUSBAND stepped in, again.  For the next week, my incision was bleeding and painful.  

Now, 3 weeks after surgery, I am healing well.  My incisions looks good and I barely notice the pain.  It's almost like it's just a part of life.   Again, with this surgery, you can't sit in bed for a few weeks and recover...you have a baby to provide for...plus, family and friends visiting.  I have put off having a ton of visitors b/c it has just been difficult to keep the energy up.  I am starting to get used to not only the pain, but lack of sleep.  I drove for the first time yesterday.  It was a nice feeling.  I still cant lift anything heavier than Harper.  I don't have feeling around my incision and that could possibly stay that way forever. 

In 3 more weeks, I should be released to live life again "normally".  I feel fortunate to have hit the halfway mark feeling pretty good.  So that is my update so far.  Harper made all of this worth it.  I found out I am not a good candidate for vaginal births...so my children might all be c-section babies.  As hard and stressful as recover is...it is all worth it!!  

(Photo: MemorySnapPhotography.net)

P.S. I am in no way trying to say a c-section is harder or easier than a vaginal birth...just sharing my experience.


  1. I can't even imagine all you are going through, but in addition to Josh clearly being super Dad, it sounds like you are clearly super Mom as well. Having babies is hard and as someone who had a hard vaginal birth with an almost 10lb baby and lots of tearing and over 25 stitches, I will happily say that seems much easier than all you are describing. You seem to be handling it very well by putting you and Harper first and taking the time you need to recover and bond with baby. You are amazing and Harper and Josh are so luck that you are the Momma of the house.

    I hope your recovery continues to go on a good track and you are back to feeling great as soon as possible. I love reading all about your experience and seeing Harper's pictures. She is so wonderful. We hope to come visit you guys one day this fall when you are feeling more up to it.

  2. Glad you are doing well, Sissy! Sweet picture of you two :) Can't wait to see more!

  3. So happy you are on the mend! Having a baby is just hard and you did labor and c-section, plus the whole incision ordeal. You deserve triple the recovery time! I'm so happy you are taking time to heal and enjoy Harper rather than playing hostess. I wish I had done that with my first. Bravo!
