Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Aunts Are Here!

Last week, both my sisters were in town visiting.  It was great that they were here to meet Harper!  I was also excited for Harper to meet her cousin, Dagan.  Here are some pictures from our week!

Aunt Aubrie meeting Harper
Mally testing the waters
Ashley, Nate, and Dagan meeting Harper--Dagan wasn't sure about her at first.
Grandma Anna and Harper
Pink Ladies
Close Up
Playroom at Bossy's house
Aunt Aubrie showing us how the slide works.
Cousin and Josh
Aunt Aubrie, Aunt Ashley, and Dagan in the teepee!
Teepee time is over!
Aunt Ashley with Harper & Dagan
(right after Harper spit up on Ash)
Pumpkin Patch Time!

 Love this smile!!!!
 Harper, Dagan, and Tripp
Kissing Cousins!
Sweet Face!
He did this totally on his own
 Dagan and Audrey play date!
Overall, we had a great week!
Thanks for all your help Aunts!

1 comment:

  1. Josh's face in the photo of "Mally testing the waters" is hilarious. He looks like he was keeping a very close eye on her to make sure she didn't disrupt his baby girl. haha
