Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Latest Journey

August 20th, 2013 I took a pregnancy to find out if we were pregnant.  It had been 35 days since my last period and I was feeling some symptoms. I took a test first thing in the morning and got back in bed.  I couldn't just look over the test waiting for 3 minutes.  Since we had been trying for a while, I didnt want to get my hopes up.  About 2 minutes later, Josh looked at me and tried to joke that it was negative...but he couldn't hide the smile.  WE ARE PREGNANT!
We are so excited.  Let me fill you in a little.  After one miscarriage (see my previous post) and several months of trying, we weren't seeing any success. I went to my doctor and we talked and said I might have PCOS.  Basically, there is a chance I am only onvulating a few times a year, which makes conception difficult.  So we talked about us getting on Clomid.  This is a pill you take for 5 days and it helps regulate ovulation.  There is a 10% increase in having twins.  We were ok with those odds.  We were ready to expand our family.  Being pregnant was so we took a family picture,  but we haven't told Harper...9 months is a long time to wait on a brother or sister. 

She did get to tell Bossy, without knowing herself.  My mom had known the struggles we faced and was really there for me when we miscarried.  She has been through it and also did clomid.  She was a great support. 
and Very excited!

About a week after finding out, I woke up with heavy bleeding, cramps, and back pain. I was sure I was having another miscarriage.  I was just under 6 weeks pregnant.  I was sad, upset, and miserable. I was having a pity party for myself.  I then called the doctor b/c I wanted to know what was wrong with me.  We obviously had a healthy child previously, so I knew it was possible.  I went in that afternoon to do bloodwork. 

I called the next day and the nurse told me my levels looks high/good and she thought it must be something else causing the bleeding.  Wait, you are saying I could still be pregnant?!?!?! OMG. Ok Allison, dont get your hopes up.  So, we scheduled an ultrasound for that Thursday (August 29th). 

They took me back early and I was so anxious.  Josh arrived a few minutes later and we began.  A HEARTBEAT!  We saw a heartbeat.  Immediately, Josh grabbed my hand we started crying.  It had been such an emotional week and last few months.  We saw a heartbeat.  I couldnt believe it. 

Just after that moment, the ultrasound tech said "oh this is interesting" and I was like WHAT, WHAT IS INTERESTING, TELL ME LADY!. Ok, not really.  I looked at her calmly (that was my inside talkin) and she said, there are two sacks. And I blurted out "as in twins?".  Yes. Twins. She moved the wand just a little and there was a second little heartbeat.  TWO BABIES.  TWINS.  TWO. DOUBLE.  We saw two heartbeats at the same time.  What a crazy, unexpected miracle. 
We went in this ultrasound praying for a baby, but so concerned about losing it...that we never even considered two.
Josh couldn't look at me. He (and I) was in total shock.  He just stared at the wall while waiting for the doctor. 
Over the next few weeks, we were super busy and the morning sickness kicked-in full time.  We had some struggles off and on and small concerns along the way.  Baby B was smaller than A and there was a chance we would lose it. 

We really wanted to get to our 12 week mark before announcing to extended family and friends.  During our appointment, we saw two babies, two heartbeats, and both measuring right where they should be.  Looks like these two might really be making their way into this world. The week before our 12 week appointment, we met with Julie Pitta (Photography) for a family photoshoot.  We used the pictures below to announce our news.  

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gatlin I just read through your latest posts and am crying my eyes out for you guys. I am so sorry about losing the baby and I know you will always think of that little baby and how he or she led you to these two miracles! That baby had a wonderful purpose! God definitely knew what he was doing giving you guys two little ones this time and they will be wonderful additions to your family.

    We will be praying for you guys and your family during the pregnancy and beyond. What an incredible blessing and I am just in awe of how it has worked out for you guys! So amazing! Congratulations to you Josh and Harper!
