Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Harper: 15 Months

Here is what has been going on with you this past month (14-15)
-You have been adding words to your vocabulary. You can say bigger words and even use a few together at a time.  The most recent, "please momma thank you" when you wanted your snack.
-You are getting taller and reaching things on our counter tops...almost spilled your dinner the other night.
-You have started running.
-Every now and then, you will lay Bear or Baby down on the coffee table and say "Night Night".
-You have started sleeping with a blanket (still in a sleep sack except with fleece pjs)
-You are getting better at eating with spoons and forks
-You LOVE playing with Mally...especially when she tries to eat your snack. You think it is hilarious.
-You have started singing.  You will sing along to the Fresh Beat Band.  Usually you sing Laaaaaaa, and sometimes Pop, Kiki, and Hop (all words from the song). 
-You love music and love to dance.  We love it too!
-You are hugging more and more.
Here are some pictures to recap all the stuff that has been going on with you.

Twice this month, you bumped your noggin...and it swelled like crazy!
The first time, you hit your head on the corner of the coffee table...the bottom part.  It scared your mommy and daddy...and you.  We calmed you down, put ice on it, and a little Fresh Beat Band made it all better.
About two weeks later, you hit the other side. 
The front door got the best of you.  You were pulling open...but forgot that your head was in the way.
This time, we knew what to do..and you only cried for 3 seconds. 
You are one tough cookie!
Daddy traveled some this month and when he got home, you had luggage ride through the house.
You cuddle with bear while you sleep.
It is so sweet!
We played outside with the rocks, leaves, and the barn in our back yard.
You have rediscovered your bumbo.
Your thighs are thinning out and you fit in it again and love it!
Silly Girl!
You loved getting to spend time with your Aunt Aubrie and cousin Sloan.
Went down all the slides at the playground by yourself.
You are so proud and happy on the slides.
Mally is more tollerant of your "hugs".
You started rocking your sunlgasses again. True Rockstar!
You love your bike helmet (we have nowhere to wear it...but in the playroom).
You like to walk around the playroom with it on.
Maybe if she had this on, she wouldn't have hit her head so many times.
Exploring the barn behind our house.
We will update your stats after your 15 month well visit later this  month.
Happy 15 months sweet girl!

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