Friday, November 18, 2011

Almost 2 Months Old

Tomorrow, Harper will be 2 months old!
I can't believe how fast time has flown by!!!  She is already such a different baby.  Besides celebrating her first major holiday (Halloween), she has had a fun month!  Here are a few random pictures that haven't made the blog yet.

This month, you make the cutest faces and smile all the time!

Hey Girl Hey!
(I also think you might be right handed b/c you love to throw that arm around)
You have also started holding on to things.  You are opening your hands more and grabbing things.  Here you are with your new pal, Raffee.
(Do what I say Raffee...or else!)
Besides holding onto things, your mouth has discovered your hands.  Every now and then, I will catch you sucking on your fist.   
You love your changing table.  You seem so content when we lay you down to change your diaper. I pray that never changes. 
You are also an amazing sleeper.
This has been something I haven't blogged much about b/c I don't want to jinx it!
Over the last month, you will sleep for 6 hours, eat, and then head back to sleep for another 2-3 hours.
This has been such a blessing for mommy...even if we don't start it all until midnight!
These are just funny sleeping pictures. 
Napping with Big Sister, Mally
"Oh life is so hard" 
Loving your swing!
Lastly, You have found your voice!
We love to hear you "talk" all hours of the day.  You are starting to show early signs of talking like your mother!! 
(short video of Harper "talking")
The other day, you laughed for the first time.  Like when you first started smiling, it happened in your sleep.  You were all cozy and napping on daddy and then out of nowhere came the sweetest little laugh.  It shocked us both and then we both started laughing.

We love watching you change and grow every day!
We can't wait to see what the upcoming months have in store!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...seriously, I love her so much!!! It is killing me that I am not up there to see her all the time!!!
