Monday, November 14, 2011

8 Week Appointment

This morning, Harper had her 8 week doctor check up.  This was the first appointment (since the hospital) where she got her vaccines.  I was dreading it!  We carried on her appointment as usual and got all her stats.
Age: 8 Weeks
Height: 23.5 Inches  (93%)
Weight: 12 lbs. 13 oz. (96%)
Head 56.56 Inches (75"%)
Our Big and Growing Girl!
After our chat with the pediatrician, she got her shots.  My eyes started watering when they wiped her legs down!  Oh I am such a basket case.  Thankfully, Josh was there to watch and help while I stared at the wall.  The nurse was super fast and I was able to scoop Harper up in my arms as soon as she was finished.  After just a minute of crying, our baby girl fell asleep on my shoulder.  My eyes wouldn't stop watering!  I don't know who cried more!?!?  She was a trooper!

Here are a few shots from our morning.
 loving that mirror
Dr. Daddy trying to clear up a stuffy nose! 
Daddy entertaining Harpie! 
Sleeping on mommy when we got home.  She had a big morning.


  1. This "newborn" posting Completely useful..good source, thanks anyway!

  2. Hey Allison,

    She is a good sized baby for 8 weeks!!! keep up what you're doing!!! I hope she didn't have any reactions to her shots. Love the last picture of you and Harper...
