Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Day In the Life of 2 Month Old Twins- Gatlin & Houston

This is my second attempt of recording "a day in the life".
I am hoping to keep it up through their first year...we will see!

May 14th, 2014
1:39 am -Houston wakes up.  I put a pacifier in his mouth went to go warm the bottles. 
I changed Houston's diaper and put him back in his rock n play
1:45 I put the bottles together and changed Gatlin's diaper. 
1:49 Tandem Bottle fed the boys (2 1/2 oz of breast milk) and pumped. 
2:02 am burp Gatlin
2:04 am burp Houston
2:06am  Rock both babies back to sleep
2:08 put the bottles in the dish washer and the pumped milk in the refrigerator
2:11 am - Harper wakes up and I take her to the potty and to get some milk
She gets in bed
2:14 am- Houston cries and I get him his pacifier
2:15 am- I change Harper's pull-up and lay in bed with her
2:36 am-Harper asks for more milk
2:38 am-I get back in bed
4:46 am-Mally wakes up whining because it's storming outside
5:37 am - Houston wakes up and gets pacifier.  I warm the bottles and Houston goes back to sleep.
5:40 am-i get back in bed
6:04 am- i feed both babies and change diapers
6:16 am-Houston Burps
6:18 am- Gatlin Burps
6:21 am-I rock both babies back to sleep
6:27am-I get back in bed as Josh gets up for work
6:43 am - I get up and give both boys their pacifiers
6:54 am-Josh gets Harper up
7:00am-Harper eats breakfast in bed and get dressed. I eat a poptart and take sudafed for my headache.
7:16 Harper and Josh leave for school/work and I go back to sleep
8:44 am-Houston Wakes (notice a trend here?) and I warm the bottles.
I change Houston's diaper and then change Gatlin.
8:54 am-I start pumping while giving the boys their bottles. 
9:16am-I burp Gatlin
9:18 am-I burp Houston
9:21am-I clean pump parts and bottles
9:23am- I take Mally out in the pouring rain
9:25am - I rock the babies
9:29am- I get in bed
9:40 am - I rock Gatlin. 
This goes on with both babies for 30 minutes.
10:11am - I get back in bed (thank you blackout curtains)
11:09 am - Houston wakes up and cuddles in bed with me. He is gassy.
We check emails and watch TV.
11:42 am-Gatlin wakes up.
11:50 am- prep bottles
11:53 am - feed the babies at the same time
12:10 pm- burp both at the same time

12:20 pm- throw on some clothes and change the boys diapers
12:46 load up the car
12:54 head to the taco bell drive thru and eat in the car
1:04 pm -head into Kroger - yes, i am crazy!
1:10 carrying on baby while pushing the other in the the cart
Gatlin is a good sport
So is Houston - grocery store selfie! 
1:51 pm - leave kroger
2:01 pm - leave Houston in the car seat and wear Gatlin because he is fussy
2:27 pm - warm bottles
2:32 pm -finish putting the groceries up and then feed the boys
2:55 pm - burp the boys and put them down for a nap
3:06 pm- pump, address birth announcements, and watch Dr. Phil
3:45pm- take a shower 
4:10 pm -get myself ready to go pick up Harper
4:35pm- pack diaper bag, bottles, and a snack for Harper
4:50 pm - change diapers
4:55 pm- feed both babies
5:00 pm - Houston passes out and doesn't finish his bottle
5:10 load up the car and leave the house
5:35 pm-get to Harper's school in the pouring rain
5:48 pm - head to bossy and paw paw's house
6:10 pm - get to their house and unload the troops
6:12 pm -we play for a little bit before bossy gets home from school
6:32pm -Bossy arrives
6:44 pm - paw paw comes home with pizza

7:12pm- bossy and I feed the babies while Harper plays with paw paw
7:35 pm - bossy gives Harper a bath, I clean up, and paw paw holds the boys.
8:27pm we load up and leave. Josh worked late, so we met him at the house.
8:40- pm we get home and brush teeth with Harper
8:45 pm- boys eat again and Harper goes to bed
8:59 pm- Gatlin poops
9:04pm- Houston Poops
9:10 pm - I pump and finish the birth announcements.  Josh holds the boys
10:18 pm - we swaddle the boys
10:22 pm- we feed the boys again and rock them to sleep 
10:45 pm - we put the boys in the rock n play and they fall asleep
I get ready for bed and by 11:00 I am falling asleep...

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