Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day

Monday, we took Harper out on the boat for the first time.  So far, it seems we have a water baby on our hands.  She loves to watch the water.  She was mesmorized by the wake (just like the waves at the ocean). She seems so content just hanging out on the boat...just like her daddy.

Watching Daddy wakeboard
Driving the boat

Watching Mommy wakeboard

{Watching Daddy and Mommy}

Time for Harper to get in the water.
This face is kine of a laugh cry.  She was not a huge fan of the life jacket.

Harper stayed in the water just long enough to take a few pictures.
Just like the pool, she likes to be held tight and up close in the water.
It was hard to "snuggle" her up to us with the big life jacket.
So, we dipped her just long enough to cool off and then she was back on the boat...happy as a clam!

After the water, she just snuggled up in my chest and passed out!
It's amazing how the sound of the water can calm her down so much.
I planned to leave at nap time...but was worried that I would wake her.
I was able to get off the boat, get to the car, put her in her carseat, get home, put her in her crib all while she was asleep.  I think the lake is a magic sleeping lake!
After nap time, Nana and the Gov came over for dinner.
We had a fun time playing in the ball pit and showing them how she can crawl.

Happy Memorial Day to Everyone!

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