Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update on Us-32 Weeks

Baby's size? About 16.5 Inches and 4 lbs (according to

Weight Gain? The nurse doesn't tell me and I don't look or ask at the doctor. Ignorance is bliss! Plus, I figure if my weight is an issue...they will tell me! :)

Maternity clothes? Anything that fits!

Sleep? Getting harder to breathe when I lay down. Using the largest body pillow known to man! Also, getting up more frequently to go to the bathroom. I am a much lighter sleeper these days.

Foods I am loving? Chocolate!!

Song of the Moment: Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO and Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga

Symptoms? Breathing is a little hard, my back is sore in some spots, and my joints are a little stiff. It's not bad and most days I barely notice. I hope it stays this way for a while!

Best moment this month? Had a relator focus group and work and one lady asked me when I was due, I said 9 weeks and she said, "but you're so small".  that was a nice change from "are you sure it's not twins?".  Also, the nursery is pretty much finished...that is a nice feeling! Also, my sales team surprised me with gifts this morning...including our pack'n'play!

What I'm looking forward to? My baby shower in West, TN this weekend and Josh's work shower the next weekend.  I am slowly getting more and more things checked off my list at work. I will start training a few people to do my job while I am out.  Looking forward to that and not worrying about it anymore!

32 Weeks (Yesterday)

1 comment:

  1. Allison,

    You are looking Fabulous!!! So glad to hear everything is moving right along. I cannot wait to hear about the showers and such.

    Oh, the body pillow...greatest invention EVER!!
