Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update on Us-28 Weeks

Baby's size? 28 cm and about 2 and 1/4 lbs
Weight Gain? The nurse doesn't tell me and I don't look or ask at the doctor.  Ignorance is bliss! Plus, I figure if my weight is an issue...they will tell me! :)
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity a few of my regular tops and dresses.

Sleep? Using the largest body pillow known to man!  Also, getting up more frequently to go to the bathroom.  I am a much lighter sleeper these days.

Foods I am loving? Chocolate (as usual), Popsicles, and Cold Fruit
Foods I am hating? Not hating anything in particular...but not loving Asian Food or some meats.

Best moment this month? Watching my stomach move.  It is such a crazy thing to see!  I also love that Josh and a few other friends have been able to see it move as well!  I just got a call my Glider is in!  I am excited to sit in that thing...b/c it is the most comfortable piece of furniture!  Two friends this week told me "I wear pregnancy well". Made my day!

Symptoms? Sore spot on my back...around my shoulder blade. I am constantly walking around my office trying to stretch it out. Also, a little foot keeps jabbing my ribs.  It's a bit painful, but also amazing!
What I'm looking forward to? Josh possibly picking up the glider tonight! :)  Just all the exciting stuff that comes along with the last trimester.  It is so crazy to think I only have 84 days left until my due date.  A bit overwhelming when thinking about work and the fact that we will have an actual baby so soon...but it's also wonderful!

Milestones: 28 Weeks--Officially in the home stretch...3rd Trimester.
Sorry for poor quality of the pic again.  This is my camera phone and lovely office walls!
Harper is measuring exactly where she should be...which is crazy b/c I feel so huge already!

1 comment:

  1. Blurry photo or not, you look simply beautiful. Pregnancy can be quite uncomfy in the end, but like you said, the end is in sight! Just keep playing the "final countdown" song in your head when you are having a bleh day :) Happy to read healthy Momma and baby at 28 weeks. Maybe your glider will be more comfy for you to sleep in for a while too. You might have it well broken in before your little girl arrives.
