Friday, April 19, 2013

Harper this past month (18-19 months)

This month has been so fun and interesting. The weather has gotten nicer, so we have spent a lot of time outside and doing new things!  We put your swing out front,  color at your picnic table, and spend lots of time writing notes for Daddy with sidewalk chalk.

Your vocabulary is growing and growing.  You introduce me to every stranger that looks your way.  They always ask your age...b/c you don't stop talking. Apple doesn't fall far form the tree, I guess!
You are using a lot of 2-3 word sentences.  Some of my favorites:
Where'd it go?
{Ready} Set go!
Oh no, Coming (oh no, they are coming--quoting Sofia)
Baby coning (crying)
tickey tickey baby (tickle tickle)
1,2, 3, 5, sit, 7, 8,9 10!
you tend to leave out 4 and say six like sit.
You amaze us everyday.  Your daddy and I just look at you in wonder and amazement! 
You are so fun and really make each day more and more enjoyable! 

Now, on to the pictures!
Discovered your love for ice cream cones
Enjoying your cone with Great Grandma Anna
Ate it all by yourself
Your tantrums are fun to watch.  One minute you are happy, the next, not so much.
It usually lasts just a few seconds.  

You are really into our wedding pictures.  You probably sat there for 10 minutes, just looking at pictures and naming people. 
You went to see Great Grandma Anna at her place and the Zoo was there.
This is how you watched the animals. Classy! 
You love sporting your Easter bunny ears. 
and Jewelry!
Knock Knock.  "Come in!"
You  knocked and told yourself you can come in. 
Then, you tried to put the key in the lock. Getting too big too fast!

You love to put your balls in the chair ...
and cuddle with them.
Horsey Rides with daddy!
you love to pick weeds, I  mean, flowers.
Starting to drink out of the water bottle on your own.
You do a pretty good job for a few sips, then you dump the rest out everywhere. You do the same with a cup. 
You tried broccoli and liked it!
Daddy and I have been so happy b/c our picky eater is starting to turn into a really good eater again.
You are more willing to try new foods and you love when eat as a family.  
When daddy travels, you are so excited to have him back!  Mommy is too!
Spring is in the air!
We love being outside and exploring everything around us.

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