Thursday, October 25, 2012


To say "my child loves leaves" is an understatment.
She is obsessed.  She wants to pick up every leaf in the yard.
We decided to rake a little leaf pile and see what she wold do.
She probably sat there for 20 minutes.
Then she decided she needed more leaves
Spent a little quality time with Mally
Even gave her a hug

Me and Mini-Me
After playing in the yard, we went to a nearby playground to play some more.
We even ran into a family with a litle girl a few months older than Harper.
She immediately walked up to her and tried to give her a hug...I think it slightly surprised the little girl.
We had such a fun day outside. The weather is beautiful and Harper is at such a fun age where she can really interact with us and stuff around her.
We are trying to squeeze as much fun outside as possible...before Winter hits.
One tired little girl!