Wednesday, February 1, 2012


For all you bloggers out there, pay attention!
If you don't know about Blog2Print, then read this post. 
It is a company that prints your blog and creates an amazing book!!!
I decided I wanted to do mine annually, kind of like a "Meadows Family Yearbook". 
You can select as many or as little posts as you want and then they will put it all together and print!
Below are pictures of my new book.
You can print what the front cover says and the pciture you want.
Look how thick!
Mine is about 250 pages and I love it.
At first, Josh didn't seem thrilled...but when I showed him pictures from one post, he couldn't put it down!
If you want to have a hard copy of all your blog posts...I would highly recommend them!

(Not endorsed or being paid by blog2pint for this post)

1 comment:

  1. I have done this from blog2print ever since finding out we were expecting Gavin. I love the site and it's so nice to have the books to keep as a record of all that was going on. Love it!
