Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not Just The Morning

Nausea that is. It seems I am in the larger category of "women feeling morning sickness all day".  Based on what I have read and heard, I am grateful to be feeling sick...apparently that is a good sign for development.  I just wish it wasn't all day everyday.  I guess it is also hard to get through it b/c people don't know I am pregnant and it has been going on since I was 6 weeks along. If you have been around me the last few weeks, you would think I have major immune system failure, I am in a chronic bad mood, or noticed I am M.I.A.  I am avoiding the social scene as much as possible (without totally dropping off the face of the earth). 
Some things I have found helpful to get through the work day:

Any tips that worked well for any of you?
Today I am officially 9 weeks. I hear morning sickness goes away (for most) around 13-14 weeks.
Praying I only 4 to 5 more weeks left!

1 comment:

  1. I was very sick too for about 20 weeks and for me, I would get capri suns or hi c drinks and sip on them. Because they are so small, they are properly sized for when you feel sick and they were just enough to keep something on my belly to then attempt food. You should be at the peak of the sickness and it should simmer down drastically here quickly! You are correct in that sick usually means very healthy too. Keep up the good work growing that sweet baby Meadows!
