Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Promise, I Am Not Lying!

Today is the day. The day we found out we are expecting our first child.  A baby. Yes, a baby. 
Wednesday, January 5th. The Day Our Lives Changed Forever!
We were sitting on the couch, watching Time Traveler's Wife.  This movie is a tearjerker.  But who am I kidding...I cry in almost every movie!  Josh knows that I cry at stuff, but he also knew it could be hormones.  We had been trying to conceive a child for the last few months and he was pretty up-to-date with my body, cycle, etc.  He said, hey, maybe you should go take a test.  I thought, I guess. Ok, fine.
We headed back to the bedroom to get ready for bed and for me to take a test. 
I was standing in the bathroom as he was turning down the bed and I looked down and immediately started crying again.  He looked at me from across the room and I said: "It says yes. I promise, I am not lying. It says yes". I don't know if the convincing was more for him or for me. 
Tears for both of us. Overwhelming excitement and then, almost immediately, prayer.
So, here we are. Pregnant. Really Pregnant. A True Miracle.
{Shortly after we read the test}


  1. I just started crying while reading this post...SO sweet!!! I can't wait for sweet baby Elvis to be here!!!

  2. This totally made me cry. Very sweet!

  3. SO excited for you guys!!! I'm praying for your sweet baby too. :)

  4. so excited for you I could BUST!!!!! This is gonna be one fun bebe!!!
    bendall koggs
