Monday, November 3, 2014

Gatlin and Houston's Baby Dedication at Church

Yesterday, we were blessed with the opportunity to dedicate Gatlin and Houston at church.
We are so glad that our boys (and Harper) will grow up in chruch and learn about the Lord.
We are also so happy they will have a church family to call on.

Action shots from the pews.
Harper did great! I was a little nervous about her sitting there the whole time.
Books and Fruit Loops helped! 
Sweet Gatlin with daddy.

Harper and Houston holding hands.

Aubrie was able to the service online and sent me these pictures of her computer.
We were so glad she could be a part of the ceremony.
We also had a lot of family at the church.

These are the best shots our family of 5 could get.
This is real life! 
My sweet Angels!

At the dedication, they read a note from the parents to the congregation while our boys were prayed over by the children's minister.
We then had a reading with the babies life verse from Boppy (my grand father) and Paw Paw (my dad).

Here is the reading:

In September of 2013, I started having complications with my pregnancy.  I was only 6 weeks pregnant, but had suffered a miscarriage 5 months I was familiar with the symptoms.  After some blood work, my doctor called us in for an ultrasound.  I held my breath, waiting with the smallest amount of hope that would we see a heartbeat.  I will never forget that appointmentthat moment.  There it was. A tiny heartbeat.  Josh grabbed my hand, both of us with tears in our eyes. What a miracle! We were so overjoyed, that we almost didn’t hear the tech say “well, this is interesting”.  We looked at each other and then the screen. And there it was. A second heartbeat.  Twins!  Two little hearts beating together. We went to that appointment prepared for the worst and came out shocked and surprised to find two healthy babies. We were excited and a little nervous about it all. 

Six months later, we were surprised again when I went into labor 6 weeks early.  Like their big sister Harper, they arrived just after midnight on a Monday morning. On March 17th, 2014, St. Patrick’s Day, we welcomed our baby boys. Houston Wayne, baby A, was 4lbs 14 oz. and Gatlin James, baby B was 4 lbs. 12 oz. After just a few hours in the NICU the boys joined us in our room, with no complications from an early delivery.  PRAISE THE LORD!  Houston is named after his paternal great great uncle and Wayne is his father, paternal grandfather, and maternal great grandfather’s middle name.  Gatlin is my maiden name and James is from his paternal great Uncle.  God has blessed us beyond belief with these two miracles.

 Houston’s Life Verse, Read by his Great Grand Father, William Gatlin
The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn hisface toward you and give you peace.”  Numbers 6 24-26

Gatlin’s Life Verse, Read by his Grand Father, Steve Gatlin
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15: 13

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