Friday, April 29, 2011

Update on Us

Baby's size? The length of a banana--Roughly 11 inches

Weight Gain? 7 lbs

Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity (thank you friends who have donated to the wardrobe), a few of my empire waist tops,  bella band and regular pants.

Sleep? So so. I am starting to get uncomfortable...but once I reposition, I am back to sleep!

Foods I am loving?

Foods I am hating? a lot of stuff.  I am having issues with most meats.

Best moment this month? Finding out what we are having, feeling the baby move, and hitting the half-way point!

Symptoms? Sore back and losing my train of thought so easily! That drives me nuts!!
Gender? You will find out soon!

What I'm looking forward to? My shower to announce the sex of the baby!

Milestones: Getting to the 20 week mark and discovering more about the progress of the baby.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Half Way There!

Today I am officially 20 weeks.  It is very exciting to have reached this milestone for several reasons. 
1) I am starting to feel much better with just a little bit of morning sickness each day.  Major relief from what I was experiencing.
2) We had our 20 week appointment with a full anatomy scan on the baby and everything looks good.  The baby is healthy, progressing normally, and right on track.  A blessing from God!
3) We know the sex of the baby.  Like I mentioned before, knowing the gender changes everything for us. It makes it real, i.e. we have real conversations discussing "it", a name, the nursery, etc.  Sorry...still not sharing the sex.  I have a gender reveal shower in a few weeks and after that...the news will be out!
4) A real bump.  I have had one for a while now...but Josh is like, you really look pregnant now.  So, here are the long awaited bump pics!  Sorry for the poor phone and in a friends office.  Also, please ignore my beauty...I know it will be hard...but on this rainy day...this is my attempt at business casual.

5) Josh felt the baby move for the first time last night.  He was starting to fall asleep and it was moving like crazy!  When I was placing my hands on my stomach, I couldn't tell if the movement I was feeling was on the inside or if I could really feel it move from the outside.  I figured he should try. Sure enough...after a few missed kicks or punches he felt one swift movement.  Pretty amazing!
6) Lastly,  I am just excited just to be halfway there!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Gender Changes Everything

Josh and I find out the sex of our baby very soon.  While this is such an exciting time, but it freaks me out a bit.  Knowing the gender makes it very very real.  I know you might think I am crazy for not thinking it feels real now...which it does...but this is different.  I have been dealing with morning sickness for the last 11 weeks and just trying to get through my day-to-day life. This week, I have started feeling much better and can actually focus on upcoming days and make plans.  All this being said...this includes plans for the baby!

Knowing the sex means I am actually birthing a baby.  I am not just pregnant....I am having a baby.  Again, I know I sound crazy.  But having a gender makes it a person, and not just a baby.  Something that I can attempt to picture based off our baby photos and what certain members of our family look like.  It means I need to create a nursery, pick a name, figure out childcare, etc.  All these things I have been able to put off until "we know what we are having".  Well, that is finally just around the corner. We are so excited to be having a baby and to find out what we are having...but it can still be overwhelming.  So peeps, if I seem even crazier than will know why!

Yay for Baby Boy or Girl Meadows!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

19 Weeks

Today I am 19 weeks pregnant and I received my weekly email update.  I love reading about what is going on with the baby and the changes in my body.  The email always gives you an "inside look" of what your baby looks like (generally speaking).  Today's picture really made me laugh.
I thought I was feeling uncomfortable!?!?

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Like Popcorn

I have been wondering when I would feel movement from the little human growing inside me.  Well, folks, this week it happened.  I have heard it could be like flutters, popping popcorn, or seem like gas pains.  The other night when I got in bed (after hosting my sister's birthday party at my house), my body was finally quiet and still.  That is when I felt a little "POP!".  It came out of nowhere and I knew it couldn't be anything else.  Then, a few minutes later, I felt a few more pops.  It is amazing.  Josh is excited...but can't wait until he can also expereince these pops!   
It is very exciting and surreal at the same time. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Josh and I go to the doctor in a few weeks to find out the sex of our baby.  We will know about 2 weeks before we will announce it to friends and family at my baby shower.  Once that announcement is made, I will be sure and post on the blog. Until then, I would love to know your thoughts.  I have posted a poll to the right of the blog.  You have about a month to cast your vote!
Will I be buying these?
After you vote, comment here...I would love to know who thinks boy and who thinks girl!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Josh and Registering

Back when we did our wedding registry, we figured a good place to start is bed, bath, & beyond.  We got the "list" of all things you need want for your wedding registry.  We started in the kitchen section.  We get to the knives. It was like Knife World over there.  Every kind, every price, every size imaginable.  This is where I lost my husband for the rest of the night.  He (and the guy that worked there) spent almost an hour discussing knives.  I took the "gun" and proceeded to register for everything else alone.

Fast forward 3 years and here we are again.  Registering.  He actually suggested it one night b/c my nausea was somewhat under control.  To Babies'R'Us we go!  Immediately, we walk to the strollers.  We knew of 2 we really wanted and began looking them. over.
Here he is modeling the handy "folding" technique for each. He is obsessed with the City Mini (the one on the left).  Anyway, we spend probably 30-45 minutes in the stroller section. 
I am starting to have flashbacks for B,B,&B. 
Oh no, here we go again. 
{we thought we would test the ride with Louis V}
Sure enough, as soon as I mention heading into other aisles, he says:
"I only really care about looking at strollers".  SHOCKER! 
I should have known better.
We end up casually looking over a few more items before heading home.  He needed a few more days to prepare for the full registry!
Boys and their Toys!

Friday, April 1, 2011


What pregnant woman doesn't love a cupcake?  Especially this kind!
We received this cute little cupcake in the mail from a friend.
I thought it was precious!
She got it at Babycakes & Decor.