oh where to begin. this month has been a lot of fun...just hanging out as a family! we celebrated halloween and have really enjoyed the fall weather.
Over the last month, Harper:
-started cutting her molars (fun times had by all)
-really started making connections with her animal sounds and names
-has gown more and more attached to her "BEAR" and most stuffed animals
-started fast walking/almost running
-loves asking for "nacks" (snacks) and pointing to the pantry
-says please and thank you approrpiately. not all the time...but getting there.
-LOVES the fresh beat band. she is always asking to watch "La La" (they sing la la la a lot). she doesn't watch TV much, but when she does...she is constantly asking for it. she dances to all the fresh beat band songs and even says "Kiki" before they say it in the intro song.
-she is actually keeping her bow in her hair more than she is taking it out...big milestone! we still get "what a handsome fella"...even when she is wearing pink mary janes! i think people just see her short hair and assume. she will have hair one day!
She loves exploring and testing her boundaries...especially with us. She does have a few tantrums every now and then when she doens't get her way. Here are some pictures of the last month.
Look at this sweet face!
decided to have baby join her for a "nack"
Started using utensils properly. She has been using a spoon off and on, and we decided to try a fork.
she does okay with it.
maybe she needs a smaller fork?!?
playing peek-a-boo withher milk cup.
she is a nut!
Having lunch in my office...did pretty good for no high chair or bib.
but she did not let go of that ball the whole meal.
Having lunch with her friend Emily
Josh and I had dinner one night while Harper watched a movie and snuggled with her Lamb.
She rarely sits still...she was a little sick and was so content just snuggling.
showing off her new Christmas bear
Being super silly with dad.
(some people have asked why we would have two of these--the big one was Dagan's basket that he left wiht us. The smaller one had Halloween goodies in them--both from Bossy)
Trick or Treat with the neighbors
going down the slide by herself
playing at the park with friends
I love her face here
Such a ladies man!

"Hugging" mally
Cutest little Vols fan!
I couldn't resist taking a "booty in the air" picture
Harper and Mommy saying hi to daddy via the phone
Two protective shadows following this explorer!
Being silly at Bossys...little Orphan Harper
Loving the outdoors!
Mowing with Daddy
I didn't have hair until I was 2 and my Mom said so many people would say, "what a cute boy" etc. and she began putting a hair bow on my head with toothpaste! Harper is such a cutie; she looks very girlie to me :)