I cannot believe my baby is 4.
F O U R!
F O U R!
Where did the time go?
You have are starting to grow into a beautiful little girl. Any "baby" in you is now gone and you are all girl. You love your brothers, maybe a little too hard, you love to dress up, princesses, and your family. You will fight going sleep with all your being...I think you h ave "FOMO" (fear of missing out). You are helpful when we ask for it, you will put your clothes on by yourself, and you are now falling asleep on your own...after getting up 2-3 times.
We love you so much and thank God that you are ours!
Happy 4th Birthday!!!
in her Evie dress from the Booths

Rocking her new Cinderella dress (LOVES dress up), new rain boots, and reading her new Cinderella book.
and the movie!
new pajamas with matching ones for bitty baby!
(Sleeping on our floor-I woke up and found them like this)
(Sleeping on our floor-I woke up and found them like this)
More dress up (jasmine) and a tea set!
Cupcakes at School for Her Birthday!
Off to the beach with her new Descendants movie!
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