Saturday, March 15th was the day Josh and I were going to put the final touches on "all things baby", i.e., pack bags, purchase last minute items, etc. Harper was at Nana and the Govs, so Josh and I took advantage. We went to Target, Kroger, and I got a pedicure and visited a friend who just had a baby. Kim drove us to Vanderbilt to see our friend Jenn and in the parking garage, my back started hurting. We {slowly} made our way to Jenn's room to meet baby Clayton. The longer we stayed, the more my back began to bother me. At my 34 week check-up (Thursday before), I was 2-3cm dilated and my doctor said to call with any contractions/back pain, etc. So, I stepped out of Jenn's room and called the doctor. She advised me to go get checked out at the hospital. Kim, slightly freaking out, drove me to Baptist to be admitted to triage.
We decided to document my ride into the triage room. Meanwhile, Josh was picking up Harper and she was running a fever. I asked him to stay with her and my mom came to meet me in triage. After a few hours, the back pain died down and I was sent home. I was glad, b/c it was still early and I never go around to showering or packing my bags. Once I got home, I spent that night in bed with this pitiful face...
We spent much of the next day in bed. I was swollen, uncomfortable, and worn out from the night before. Harper was running a high fever (103) so she was pretty pitiful most of the day. Josh and I rotated keeping an eye on her - until the back pain started.
From 4-6, it was off and on and at 7, I started timing them. The back pain is a little different from front contractions. After an hour and half, I called the doctor. The on call doctor told me there nothing I told him that gave him any indication I should stay home. Thankfully, a few hours earlier, Josh threw a few things in a bag for the two of us and the boys. We gathered up our stuff and loaded up the car. We were half way to meeting my parents with a sick Harper, when Josh realized he left his wallet at home. They met us at our house, we loaded up Harper, and sent her home with them. Josh and I got back in the car and headed to Baptist. At this point, it was almost an hour after I talked to the doctor and the back pain was now constant. It hurt so bad, I cried a little on the way to the hospital. I think the tears and me telling Josh it was like with Harper, it made him realize this might be it. I had the same experience with her (on a Sunday and everything).
We arrived at the waiting room (the night before St. Patricks day) and were checked into Triage. We waited about 45 minutes before seeing the doctor. The back pain was miserable. Apparently, I am more sensitive to contractions in my back vs. my front. They were coming hard and strong and I knew a c-section was in my immediate future. After talking the on-call doctor, he said it was time to prep for a c-section. We knew I would be having on with the boys. I had a hard time laboring with Harper, that my doctor didn't want to risk it with twins. At about 1130 pm, the prep team arrived and the process for surgery began.
Josh snapped this picture of them wheeling me out of triage towards the OR. Having been through this before, I had an idea of how it would all go down. The crazy thing is, with Harper, it was 11:35 on a Sunday night and I had her by 12:07 on Monday morning. Well, just after midnight on Monday morning, baby A (Houston) arrived at 12:15 am and baby B (Gatlin) arrived at 12:17 am. Gatlin was stuck up by my ribs with his face up and arm behind his back. The doctor was having trouble getting him to turn head down (he was transverse), he eventually pulled him out by the hips.
Baby A-Houston was 4lbs. 12oz. and 16 1/2" long.

Baby B-Gatlin was 4lbs. 14 oz. and 18 1/4" long.
They were born 5 1/2 weeks early.
Poor Gatlin had a little bruising on his face and hand (right hand is purple) from his position in the womb.
They had the NICU staff ready to take the boys to the NICU.
First, Josh was able to take a few pictures and I was able to "Hold" them.
First, Josh was able to take a few pictures and I was able to "Hold" them.
I was struggling with nausea and the shakes, so I didn't get to see them long.
I was struggling with nausea and the shakes, so I didn't get to see them long.
Josh went with our sons to the NICU and stayed with them while I was recovering in the OR and then my room.
Finally, just before 3 am, the boys were released from the NICU monitoring. We couldn't believe that these two were released and able to go upstairs with us to the regular recovery floor and nursery.
At 34 weeks, the lungs are a huge concern and they were both doing so well breathing on their own.
I was still recovering from losing a lot of blood, having the shakes, and battling some nausea. Eventually, things calmed down and we moved upstairs. We all settled in around 5 am.
These two boys are a blessing from God and miracle. They are thriving for their size/age and we couldn't be more pleased.
(Gatlin left, Houston right)
Our little St. Patrick's Day babies are the perfect addition to our family. As Josh said to me in our room, I love that we are now a family of 5. It was a whirlwind labor/delivery and cannot believe you are out in the world with us.
Gatlin and Houston-you are our miracles and we are so lucky and blessed to be your parents. We cannot wait to see what God had in store for you.
Happy Birthday!
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