Harper started her first day of school in the Toddler 2 Class with a transition into Early Preschool in the middle of the year.
Got her face painted for the first time and had her first ring pop. I think it's safe to say she loved them both!

I was able to take a sneak peak into Harper's classroom and started laughing when I saw her in the fireman jacket. It's like the 3rd time I have seen her in it. haha!
All dressed up for Titans day at School.
We have been spending quality time with Grandma Anna. She lives a mile from Harper's school, so we often stop by on her way home.

Boppy showed Harper is magic level. He taught her how to make it magically stay up on the wall and she loved it!

Random Momma and Harper Selfie
Dinner date with Daddy
This has been the fastest 24 months of our lives. Harper-you have made these last two years so special for us! We love you so much.