We started off a week (or two) of Harper's birthday with a slumber party at Nana and the Gov's house. Harper and Gov had a great time cheering on the Vols.
After the slumber party, Nana and the Gov came over with dinner and cake! This was the only "group" shot I got (you can see them in the mirror). Harper loved her Buzz Lightyear cake and having her grandparents over to celebrate.
To Infinity and Beyond!
Yummy Cake!
Shortly after the Birthday celebrations with Nana and the Gov, Harper came down with a fever and croup. Poor thing got it from a kid in her class. :( She was pretty pitiful for a few days and we couldn't break her fever for 24 hours.
The PediaLite pops were the only thing we could get her to try.
Those sad little rosey cheeks and bright red lips.
Sweet Angel on her birthday eve.
Her fever broke during the night and this little angel work up feeling a little better on her birthday!

Bossy stopped by to bring the birthday girl Bitty Baby from American Girl. SHE LOVES HER!
She was even more excited when she got matching PJs.
On the night of her birthday, we decided to try dinner out with Bossy, Grandma Anna, and Great Aunt Linda. Since Harper and Grandma Anna share the same birthday, it was a super special night.
Grandma Anna and her girls.
Happy Birthday Girl and a small scoop of Birthday Ice Cream.
So, maybe a dinner out wasn't the best idea. Sweet baby cuddled with Bitty Baby on the couch for most of Friday.

Even though Harper was sick, Sloan and Aubrie came in town to surprise us. I had no idea they were coming and it was such a sweet surprise. Aubrie did call me the night before to check on Harper's sickness before bringing Sloan around. Luckily, Harper wasn't contagious anymore, just a little puny.
Cheering on the Vols at Bossy's house.
Campbell (Harper's 2nd cousin) stopped by with her family. Harper loved coloring with Campbell at Bossy's house. They were so cute out there.
When we got home, we opened a few more presents. She got the cutest little wings/tutus (for Harper and Bitty baby) from Paige. She thought they were so cool.
She also got these cute cookies and oven mitt from Jula and she loves them. She is so funny when she is deciding between Vanilla or Chocolate.
Snuggling with Bitty baby and back in her bed. She slept with momma for a few days...she couldn't calm herself down when she would wake in he night.
More presents. If you can't tell, this lasted for a few days.
After presents, we took Sloan on a trip to the Zoo.
We got to tour the new Kangaroo exhibit. We were walking around looking at all the Kangaroos and avoided the line to pet one. When Harper saw that people got to pet the Kangaroos, she asked to get in line. We waited about 10 minutes and she did great waiting. She was so excited and I just love the look on her face when she got to meet the Kangaroo.
Sloan seemed to love it too!
I had to tear Harper away from seeing all the fish, aka Nemo. She loves watching fish.
Since Aunt Aubrie loves animals, she took Harper into the petting zoo and I took a little rest with Sloan. If only I could have crawled into the stroller and napped with her!
The Girls put on their party Tutu's to celebrate the theme of Harper's birthday party (tutus and ties). We had to reschedule the party, so Sloan didn't get to wear hers with the other party guests. Overall, it was a long week, but full of love and celebrating our sweet Harper. She was pretty pitiful, but smiled through it and seemed to enjoy herself.