Harper is in the Early Preschool Classroom with Ms. Candi and Ms. Alex.
Her school is about 5 minutes from my work and she is attending M-F. Since she has been with a stay at home mom/nanny for the last year and a half, I was nervous/anxious about the classroom setting.
I knew she would love the class, activities, playground, etc. I just didn't want her to overwhelmed by the change. I was most worried about the food and Josh was most worried about her nap. She is a very good napper at home...but on a cot in a room full of people, who knows?!?!

So excited for her first day!
She let go of me immediately and surveyed the room.
The school provides backpacks for all the kids. Her bag was ready for her!
Starting to play
Helping her friends and Ms. Candi clean up
Eating her snack
Throwing away her trash (I was so impressed at how well she followed the rules).
Washing her hands...probably her favorite part of the classroom.
Just before lunch, I stopped by to check on Harper. I didn't go inside, I just took a little peek through the door. She was playing dress up and then they called her name to paint.
She put her dress-up vest up (seriously, she follows rules!) and went to get her smock.
Here she is doing a little painting with Ms. Candi.
When I went to pick Harper up, she was so Happy! She said hi to me immediately, but stayed seated so she could finish her snack. Again, I was so impressed at how well she listened and really grasped the rules on the first day. She is the only new kid in the class, but seemed to fit in well.
Highlights for us: she slept the whole two hours, she was friendly/chatty, and loved music class. Overall, she had a great first day!
yay!! So glad it went well.