Mid-July, Aubrie and Ashley were able to visit Nashville with their kid(s) prior to our big family vacation (my side) in Charleston, SC. Harper was so excited when "Baby Sloooaan" arrived. Those girls are going to have some fun together! Our trip was filled with memories and pictures...so there will mainly be collages.
Hanging out at Bossy and Paw Paws
The whole family went to meet Ashley at the airport when she arrived with both boys. Here we are in the elevator the airport.
Funday Sunday with the Goodrich Family!
Monday, Josh, Aubrie, Sloan, Harper, and I flew to SC to meet up with Brandon and hang for a few days before the rest of the crew arrived.

This little playground is right outside Aubrie and Brandon's neighborhood and it is awesome. It has a padded gravel ground (if there is such thing), big trees for shade, and lots of equipment. The only negative would be the squirrel that took a bite out of Harper's backpack.
The next morning, Harper and I played (the daddy's went golfing) while Sloan had her 6 month photoshoot.
Bath time!
Beach! Harper loved it. She has o much fun int he sand and the ocean.
We had a few meals out, pool time, play time, and exploration time! We toured downtown Charleston and spent lots of time with our cousins.
This was the first time in 5 years we had all been together...at that time, none of us had kids. It was pretty great to get everyone together. It's not easy...but worth it!