We have spent a lot of time outside this past month.
The summer has been pretty mild (compared to a normal Nashville summer) and this momma is loving it!
I feel like I am starting to see a big girl blossoming out of this little toddler.
She is becoming more and more independent...it's amazing and a little sad at the same time.
What a fun month we have had! Watching you become a little lady is quite amazing. You love to sing and quote your favorite songs/shows. You still love the Fresh Beat Band, Sofia the First, and Tinkerbell. You also love to "hear paw paw sing". We often listen to one of those in the car. Your new favorite thing to watch is Toy Story. You love Buzz Lightyear. We have a few books about Buzz that we like to read too! You have two new phrases that you love to ask: "wha you doin momma?" and "whas that?". The other day, I called on my way home and daddy put you on speaker phone. You immediately asked "wha you doin momma?" and it made me smile so much. It was so sweet.
Here are a few pictures to show you what we have been up to this last month.

You love bubbles
We have fun at the school playground nearby. No one else is every there...it's our secret play spot!
You LOVE LOVE LOVE the outdoors!
...and Water
You and daddy played with a baby frog...we had quite a few in the backyard.
We have spent several mornings at the Zoo, making the most of our membership.
You weren't too sure about the carousel ride.
You like to help us cook. Which is our secret plan to get you to eat your food. If you cook it, you tend to eat it a little more. YAY!

Your hair is finally long enough for pigtails!
Now, you often ask for "pe-tails". I love doing your hair in the morning.
Water baby!

You really love your puddle jumper!
and making faces at Uncle Brandon.

Redneck pool party with Brooks!
We didn't plan on being in the pool...so just a diaper it is! And a bow.
We had dinner with Taylor Grace and Allie. Allie's dad, Jeff, is such a ladies man!
"bosh hands" (wash hands). YOU LOVE WASHING HANDS!
Again, water...you love it.
More cooking.
I was making a tutu for Harper and needed to see if it fit. I threw a shirt on her and she was not happy. So what to do instead? We added another tutu, her boots, and a crown. :) My little spunky princess!
Happy Girl!
You also love stickers...on your skin. You put them on your face, arms, and legs.

This dress has a story. About 4 1/2 years ago I decided to buy a sewing machine...on a whim. I had no idea what I was doing. I randomly bought some fabric, a pattern, and supplies...and whipped up this dress. I made it almost 2 years before we even got pregnant with Harper. Now, at 20 months, you can fit in the dress. I love that I had a little girl to wear this dress that I worked so hard on!
More Happy Girl!
You have discovered my underwear drawer...and love wearing them like a scarf.
We played with play dough for the first time. Thanks Aunt Aubrie!
You pretty much have us all wrapped around your little fingers.
Thanks for an amazing month Harper!