Monday, March 11, 2013

Big Weekend. Big Fun!

We had a wonderful weekend that started off with an Anniversary celebration.  Josh and I just celebrated 5 years of marriage.  Friday night, we dropped Harper off at Bossy's and headed out...with no plans in mind.  Except, Josh actually had plans...I just didn't know about them.  We got in the car, and he handed me a bouquet of roses.  Josh is not a flower guy.  I LOVED them.  He then asked where I wanted to go...I wasn't sure, so he said "good, I have reservations for us".  Pleasantly surprised again!  We headed towards downtown and drove by my old apartment (when we were dating).  We talked about how he picked up me up from here the night we got engaged.  He then started driving towards the Park Cafe.  This is the restaurant where he proposed.  We walked in, he gave our name, and they took us through the restaurant.  As we were meandering through other diners, my eyes started watering b/c I realized they were taking us to the table where he proposed.  I turned around to see the biggest smile on his face! :) I was so impressed.  Flowers. Plans. Table. Everything.  We jokingly recreated the night and had a wonderful time!

(as for gifts, he got a gun and i got a new embroidery machine-so romantic!)
Selfie outside of Dinner

The next day, we packed up the car and the little one and headed to Big Sandy for some R&R at Grandmothers house. 
(we installed the new DVD player we got for Christmas-makes for nice travel).
Milk, Snack, Tinkerbell, and the Fresh Beat Band = one super good traveler!
We stopped to get gas and stretch our legs...and this is how I found Harper and Josh.
Yah, our new favorite Hat!
When it was nap time, Josh offered to put Harper down...I think he wanted to snooze himself.
How sweet do they look?!?!
After naps, we played with the ball and roamed all around Grandmother's house.
We saw some neighbors and enjoyed the weather.

Cowboy Hat, baby doll stroller, and a good story from Grandmother...what more could you want?
The next morning, we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast!
(we forgot the high chair--she looks so big eating at the table)
And they're off!
Heading down to the creek

Look mom, Daddy took pics of me in the my regular shoes!
Josh and Harper came back up to the house soaked.  So, we grabbed her rainboots and I joined them for some playtime in the creek

She had a blast!

After the creek, we came inside to warm our hands/feet and have a little playtime with Grandmother before heading home. 

This little girl was worn out!  We all had such a fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love her hat. And I love her sitting on a pillow at the table! So cute! Go Josh on the anniversary!!
