This past weekend, Josh, Harper, and I went to Raleigh, NC to visit some friends. We left Friday afternoon and a few hours later we were hanging with the Strange's like no time had passed at all. We take turns visiting each other anually. We were a little nervous to travel with Harper (last time she flew she was a baby) since she is easily distracted. Here is a snapshot of our trip.

We took a limo (via the Parking Spot) to the airport. Harper then got a ride on her daddy's shoulders through security. She loved being so high up. She kept waving and saying hi to everyone.
We tried very hard to keep her distracted on the window browsing was the way to go.
Bye bye Nashville!
Her flight was during nap time and she didn't sleep a wink. Luckily, we had a cozy car seat for her to snooze in before we to their house. Once we were there, we put Harper down for her nap before Katie and Thomas arrived from school.
What a differenc a year makes. Here they are February, 2012.
and now..
Harper loved playing with Thomas and all his toys! They hit it off right away!
It was so great getting to catch up with old friends and watching our children play together.
They are 9 months apart in age...and are two peas in a pod. Everything Thomas did, Harper was right behind him doing the same thing...or at least trying.
The Strange's (with baby Hentry arriving in just a few short weeks)
We went to the local park and got to ride a "choo choo". Harper LOVED it!
She was pretty obsessed with the train and everything train realted at the park.
I thought it was such a neat place.
They had a train that went around the whole park, a carosel (closed for repair), and sever play grounds based on the ages of kids.
Josh and I even got in on the playground action!
Our last night there, we played and watched the superbowl. These two were so much fun...and slept so well after every playtime! They wore each other out. We were sad to leave, but so glad we were able to go.

Here we are on the way home...another successful plane ride and trip down for little Harp
Car ride home...WORN OUT! Sign of a great weekend.
Below is a video of Thoams and Harper dancing the first night we were there.
Below is a video of Thoams and Harper dancing the first night we were there.
What an awesome snapshot of our weekend! I love this post and we already miss y'all! Can't wait for our next get together!