Monday, July 2, 2012

Feeding Herself...with a Spoon

If you read any of the baby books...they say to let children explore while eating.
if they show interest in using utensils, let them try.
well, for the last few days, Harper has tried to grab the spoon everytime I try to feed her.
So, we decided to let her try it.
So far so good...actually getting all the food in her mouth.
Chewing on the spoon a bit
Starting to think we are succeeding at this whole spoon thing.
I mean, dont all children learn in 2 bites!?!?!
And on the shades!
Let's just say that was our last attempt with the spoon for that meal.
Maybe next time...

1 comment:

  1. She knows what she is doing! She can use the spoon. The food on the shades was just Harper expressing herself!! She is very free spirited!
    Don't you just love her personality? Very big for such a little person
