This past month has been very fun, exciting, and exhausting!
You are officially IN TO EVERYTHING!
We love watching you explore...but find our selves pulling you away from the non-baby proofed parts of the house. When we tell you "No", you smile a big smile and keep doing it.
You think its a fun little game!
Here are some pics of what we have been up to for the last month.
Mayumi brought you this awesome outfit back from Japan.
You loved it...especially the tag.
Japanese outfit and shoes
You got two more teeth...your top center.
You didn't handle teething for these two as well as the first.
These really seemed to bother you off and on for about 6 weeks before they popped through.
You got some new headbands and mom was being silly.
You love when i turn the camera around on my phone.
Showing off your new shirt mommy made you.
This is what dinner sometimes looks like. Nothing like some "under the dining room table reading".
You are a water baby!
You love the bath, pool, and lake (but not the life jacket).
You would sit and splash all day long if we let you.
I just love this pic of your after swim snack!
Hanging out with daddy and Mally on the steps.
Pool time with Mommy
We sat you down in the grass the other day and you just kept kicking your feet back and forth...
until you found a leaf to eat.
Showing off those thighs and standing like a big girl!
Smarty pants working on a puzzle
Wigging out with Aunt Aubrie
You are such a good sport!

Dancing with Daddy when he got home from a business trip.
Standing up again. You have stood several times without holding on to anything...for about 2 seconds at a time. You are also walking all over the house with the push walker. Next months post might have you walking on your own.
Happy hour with Susie
Just chillin with Susie
Eating everything in sight...except that one cheerio stuck to your face.
playing in your crib and throwing things out
Taking Frank for a test drive
Make-up brushes and mirrors--such a diva already!

You love messing with Mally's cage. I covered it up (happy dog in the bottom right), so you decided cartoons would be okay...for now.
Needed both your hands to walk around the coffee table...so you put the socks in your mouth.
This is how I found you napping, crazy girl.
How this is comfortable, I don't know.
And possibly one of my favorite moments from this past month.
You rarely fall asleep in my arms anymore. I cherish these times. You are growing and changing so much everyday. You are almost a toddler...so any baby snuggles I can get...I will happily take!
Happy 10 Months Harper!