Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Harper-this past month (8-9)

This past month, Harper has experienced a lot of new things...including her first bloody nose. 
Terrible, I know! A few weeks ago, Harper started pulling up on everything (see below)! We used to stay close by her, but as she got steady on her feet, we weren't as worried.  Well, I guess she is started getting more and more confident and aggressive. She ended up falling, bumping her nose, and out came the blood!
After a few minutes of crying and cuddling...she was good as new!

The pulling up picture segment:

Girlfriend doesn't want to sleep anymore...she just wants to play in her crib!

thought this filter was cool
we have upgraded from tilted down to a fully up right "move and groove" table.

The rest of the month segment:
Evening stroll with dad
Learning how to cut the grass
pool time!
more pool time
she loves this ball pit...even when the top is deflated!
b'milk popsicle for this teething baby!
Dressed in our Sunday best!
Just being cute
Feeding herself more and more everyday.
We have had avocado, bananas, and sweet potatoes...and tons of puff/crunchies!
"I got ya where I want ya dad!"
Being Cute again!
First time in 2-piece pjs!
She is too big for 9 month pajamas...but a little pudgy for the 12 month pjs--a much slimmer fit.
Either way, I love that belly and these cute pjs!
Cruising in our garage sale purchase ($2) with Bossy.
She seems to like!
This has been one amazing month.  You continue to amaze us everyday.  You are curious, all over the place, and becoming more and more long as we are close by! :)
You will crawl anywhere...even with toys in your hand.
You seem to be fearless!
You love to play with SHOES...girl after my own heart!
You are a good eater and sleeper...unless you are teething! On average, you will sleep from 8 pm-6:30 or 7 am.  You are still nursing/taking bottles 5 times a day, about every 3 hours.  You also eat stage 2 baby food for lunch and dinner...with puffs and crunchies as snacks. 
Speaking of teething, for 2 weeks, you were restless all night and seemed to chew/suck on anything. We were so sure your teeth were coming in. Then, one were fine...and no teeth appeared!
So far, still the two bottom teeth.
We can't wait to see what your next month has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. Allison, Harper is such a beautiful baby girl. Just perfect. I love her smiles and how they get bigger with each month, as she does. Thanks for sharing photos of her.
