Monday was our first full day at the beach and Harper had a blast.
This $4.99 baby pool purchase was the best purchase for this trip!!
(Thanks for the advice Jordan)
Harper loved the baby pool
(See video below)

Landry joined Harper and the girls had a great time cooling off in the water.
we wanted to get a cute picture of the girls in their matching bathing suits...but Harper didn't feel like sharing the spotlight. Outta my way Landry!
just kidding. I think she was using her as support.
The Lowe's down at the beach
Josh and Harper enjoying the ocean

Harper fell asleep on our walk back to the house...who knew vacations were so exhausting?!?
Tuesday, Josh, Harper, and I met up with the Elkins/Boggs clan in Watercolor.
I was so excited that they happened to be in town the same week as us!
Jordan and baby Cate!
So glad I finally got to meet this little one.
Shortly after we got there, Harper decided to take a little cat nap

Eric and Bennett playing in the sand
I cannot believe Evey is a little girl and not a baby anymore.
After the beach, we had lunch at their house and got to spend a little more time together.
Callen and Harper
Eric with Evey and Harper.
Sweet Evey kept showing "Baby Harper" all kinds of things...including her bubbles.
Spending quality time with Cate...she looks thrilled, doesn't she?!?!
Amy (Jordan's sister-in-law) and Harper
Introducing Bennett to Harper
Evey asking Baby Harper to say Flower.
Me with the kiddos
Great catching up with an old friend...even it was for a few minutes!
Precious Evey again
Thanks for a fun afternoon Elkins/Boggs Family!
Here is a video of Harper enjoying the baby pool for the first time
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