Monday, December 19, 2011

3 Months Old

Today Harper is 3 months old! Here is what she has been up to this month:
She weighs 15 pounds.
She has moved to size two diapers.
She is mostly in 3-6 month clothes.
She laughs...probably my favorite new development!
She talks all the time. 
She is more comfortable sitting up.
She sleeps 9 least 6 out of 7 nights.
She grabs more and more...loves the rings on her activity mat and Sophie.

Your dad and I love watching you grow and change all the time!
Happy 3 months!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 3 months to Harper. Gav is 17 months today. Love her pics. Keep them coming! She is just gorgeous. Love the smiles that get bigger with each month!
