Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today, Harper was dedicated at our church.  The ceremony was in the middle of the day with 17 other families.  She was dedicated in front of family and friends...and even some watching live online.  We are so happy that Harper has a home church and a congregation that will support and love her through her life.  Here are some pictures from the big day!

Dress: This belonged to my sisters and me
Shoes: Bossy found these little "cross" shoes and we felt they were perfect for the big day!
Before Harper was born, she received this as a gift from a co-worker of mine.
I loved how cute her chubby wrist looked with this bracelet on!

Paci + Bib + Daddy's Arms = Staying clean and quiet through the ceremony.

I love the little baby bonnet next to us.
Harper being dedicated and having her picture taken
A prayer from the children's minister
A reading submitted from us about Harper

Grandpa Ron read her life verse
Harper was so good through the whole thing!
All the family members that were able to attend her big day!
We missed her paw paw and aunts!
4 Generations
With my Aunt Janis and Cousin Josh
Janis, Josh, and Harper 
She loves her cousin Josh!
Grandma Anna (my mom's mom) and Grandmother (M.I.L's mom) 
Grandpa Ron and Harper
Our friend Holly and her son Teddy
Such a cute couple!  
Time to go home!
Long and wonderful day!

Josh and Allison knew they wanted to be parents long before God blessed them with Harper. After several months and many prayers, they both wondered if biological children were in their future. To their delight, Allison's emotions and non-stop crying during a movie made Josh think "this hormonal basket case" must be pregnant...and he was right. When they found out they were having a girl they were thrilled. In typical female fashion, she didn't come on time--she was 5 days late. Born at 12:07 am on September 19th, she shares a birthday with Allison's grandmother, Anna (pronounced On-a). This day is also "National Talk Like a Pirate Day" and anyone that knows Allison, finds this very fitting for her child—as she is a bit of a talker! Wanting to use family names they picked Harper after Josh's great grandfather, Hubert Harper, and Elizabeth after Josh's sister, Sarah Elizabeth. While Sarah was called to the Lord before she and Harper were able to meet, it was important to Josh and Allison that Harper carry on her wonderful spirit and love for life. These blessed parents are excited to see what the Lord has planned for Harper and can’t wait to share these memories with their family and friends!


Psalm 37:4-7 (NIV)

4 Take delight in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
your vindication like the noonday sun.
7 Be still before the LORD
and wait patiently for him;

Congratulations sweet baby!


  1. Love all the pictures. Love the Meadows family.

  2. So special!!! Harper always looks so content! I can't wait to get my hands on that sweet little baby!!!!

  3. Sorry we couldn't be there. She looks beautiful!

  4. I know that her Aunt Sarah would have loved her so much!!!! I am so happy that they share a name!
