Friday, October 21, 2011

Preparing for Harper-Video

During my pregnancy, I wanted to create something that captured not only the pictures, but the videos too.  Since I am using this blog as an online journal, I decided I should include a little movie I made to share with our families. 

This video is semi-private on youtube, so you have to click the link to see it.  Enjoy!


  1. We announced that Gav would be a big brother the same way, with a shirt, and it took my mom and brother over 20 minutes to get it. Sheesh. haha Sweet video. Made me tear up when you told the family!

  2. just watched this!! Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. OMG!! This is WONDERFUL. What a cherished memory you have created for the wee Harper.

  4. This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Awesome job.
