We finally made it to Disney World!
After experiencing one of the craziest years of our lives, we were finally able to reschedule our Disney Trip for the boys 6th birthday...11 months later. As a reminder, we were planning a trip for the boys birthday during their first official Spring Break...then the world shut down b/c of Covid-19. There are still a few restrictions - less character visits, face masks, no fast passes, etc...but it was still wonderful. We even added a day trip to Universal Studios for some thrill seeking! Here is our amazing vacation in pictures.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
Day 2: Magic Kingdom (Supposed to be there on St. Patrick's Day last year...so we reused the green)
SURPRISE! Aubrie, Brandon, Sloan, & Miller are also at Disney. We were able to see them off and on throughout the day at Magic Kingdom.

We always grab a pic with Minnie in MK. Amazing to see how much she has grown.

Day 3: Universal Studios - Bring on Harry Potter & the Roller Coasters!
Day 3: Universal Studios - Bring on Harry Potter & the Roller Coasters!
Day 4: Valentine’s Day - We woke up for some chocolate for breakfast before heading home.
Overall, it was a wonderful trip & I am so glad we were finally able to go!