Saturday, August 27, 2016

Ears pierced

Harperr got her ears pierced! She had been asking for a while.  I always said that once she asked, I would be fine to take her.  The boys were with Nana & the Gov, so Josh and I figured that was the perfect time.  She was so excited and a little nervous.  She was so still and did great!  She said it hurt "just a little".  Here is our 4 year old looking like a big girl.  Fun fact, mom got hers pierced at 4 too!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Williamson County Fair

We love the fair!
We were so excited that Sloan & Miller were in town to join us! 
Here are a bunch of pictures in random order of our trip to the fair! 

(dad and Harper were busy riding rides when we did the farmers market)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Harper Says

The other night Harper and I were fine dining at Wendy's and she noticed the olympic rings on her milk (they are under the American Flag).

H: Mom, Look at my milk!  (and takes a big sip)
It tastes like the Olympics. like gymnastics.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Some Summer Pictures
(Harper, 4  |   Gatlin & Houston 2)