Happy Easter!
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6
We did a lot of celebrating the week of Easter.
Mainly, with Easter egg hunts and time outside.
These two loved the dancing bird...gosh, they are cute!
Harper had an Easter Egg Hunt and Party at School the day before Good Friday.

We always take our Annual Flower Picture in front of Mr. Peep (Pete) and Ms. Susie's Yard.
The next day, we attended the Easter Egg hunt at the Brentwood Library.
And walked back to Bossy's school to play and avoid traffic.
We had beautiful weather Easter weekend!
We were so happy to be outside.
My Handsome Houston.

My Handsome Gatlin.
More Egg Hunting in our Field yard.
My boys!
Saturday before Easter, we dyed Eggs...quite possibly for the first time ever.
It was interesting.
And passed the time.
Harper was pretty proud!
The Easter Bunny came to visit us that Easter Sunday.
Since it was so cold outside, he left his eggs inside the house to hunt.
My little Bunnies!
My Engineer playing with his 3 year olds toy.
Eli and the Kids
We watched church online
and Headed to Bossy and Pawpaws for lunch.
Harper wasn't feeling it. Can you tell?
Life as a 3 year old is so hard (and Dramatic).
A little more egg hunting...
Candy Eating...
and Realxing.
Harper even learned how to hit a ball with a baseball bat!
it was a beautiful day to celebrate.