Over the weekend, Mom, Harper, and I surprised Aubrie in Charleston.
About a month ago, we reached out to her hubby, Brandon, and decided to make the trip.
We were there for 46 hours, touch down to take off...so it was a quick-but-awesome-trip!
mom taking a blurry picture of me wearing Harper's carseat and pushing her in the stroller
Harper being a super good traveler and taking her bottle on the plane.
SURPRISE! Harper and Aunt Aubrie
(Can you tell we arrived on St.Patricks day?)
Heading to dinner and then the hotel
eating at the King Street Grill and playing with Uncle Brandon's gotee!
Gotta love people watching!
Taking a little snooze during lunch
Touring around beautiful Charleston
After a long day, we headed back to the hotel for playtime.
It is very different visiting a city with a baby.

There must be something super fun about Uncle Brandons hair!

Love this happy girl!
Sweet baby and Uncle Brandon
Silly Girl
Monday: Shopping!
First horseback ride! Thanks Aunt Aubrie!
Check out the Jeans at Gap. Too bad they spelled Aubrie wrong!

Aunt Aubrie taking Harp on her first drive.
Eyes on the road Harper!
Getting our Shop-On!
Just before we were leaving Charleston, we passed the "Dream Lifter" at Boeing.
This is one of the rarest planes I will ever get to see!
I think it carries plan parts all over the world!
Crashing after a whirl-wind trip at the airport!
Just waiting to board!
(Videos of us surprising Aubrie...she just happened to be coming down stairs when we pulled up)
Thanks for being such a great hosts Aunt Aubrie and Uncle Brandon!!!
We love and miss you!!