Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Show Time!

Well, sort of.  My morning sickness has consisted of just feeling pretty miserable.  And so far, the best cure I have found is "hangover food", aka, FAST FOOD.  I am not delusional...I know my 2 inch long baby is not the reason I am "showing" just yet.  I think its my friends Ronald and Wendy.
{Sorry for the work bathroom shot}
Hopefully, I will begin to eat a little better as the first trimester comes to an end!
Until then, I am sticking with my new best friends.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Side Effects

I have a sister and several friends who have been pregnant in the last few years.  I have always heard of the side effects, i.e., mood swings, emotional, baby brain, etc.  When I first found out I was pregnant, I read that I would be experiencing all kinds of mood swings.  Well, since I am moody by nature, I haven't really noticed a difference.  Let me tell you about the two things I have noticed.
1) Emotional/Hormonal.
I read this will also happen to you and you may not even realize. Well, the other night...feeling completely  normal (except for the constant nausea), I cried...during Sex and The City!
It was the scene of Miranda's moms funeral--Carrie joined her down the aisle and they looked up and saw Steve and Aiden. Sad episode, but still, I have probably seen that episode no less than 15 times.  I do cry in movies and stuff...but not SATC. HORMONES! 
2) Baby Brain
I have always heard that you tend to forget things when you are pregnant.  I have a few friends that are forgetful by nature, so I thought "baby brain", they finally have a  valid excuse.  I didn't know how much it would effect me or when...but it has definitely started.  I can't remember where I put things, if I am repeating a story, etc.  The biggest (and probably silliest), I cannot remember which towel on the towel rack is for my hair and for my body. 

I know that seems crazy...but I have my two towels on the towel rack and every morning I have to really think which one is which. A few weeks was second nature.  AM I LOSING MY MIND? Yes, probably. I blame it on BABY BRAIN!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not Just The Morning

Nausea that is. It seems I am in the larger category of "women feeling morning sickness all day".  Based on what I have read and heard, I am grateful to be feeling sick...apparently that is a good sign for development.  I just wish it wasn't all day everyday.  I guess it is also hard to get through it b/c people don't know I am pregnant and it has been going on since I was 6 weeks along. If you have been around me the last few weeks, you would think I have major immune system failure, I am in a chronic bad mood, or noticed I am M.I.A.  I am avoiding the social scene as much as possible (without totally dropping off the face of the earth). 
Some things I have found helpful to get through the work day:

Any tips that worked well for any of you?
Today I am officially 9 weeks. I hear morning sickness goes away (for most) around 13-14 weeks.
Praying I only 4 to 5 more weeks left!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Top 10

I started reading "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" last night and came across the Top 10 Reasons to Suspect You're Pregnant.  Obviously, I already know I am pregnant...but these symptoms could not be more accurate!  #4 Seems to apply the most!